In 2020, we saw face respirators becoming as necessary as air is to live. With CDC and FDA guidelines emerging from left, right, and center, it became difficult to choose which mask is the best one to protect yourself from the fatal Coronavirus. But the West faced another problem – wildfire smoke.
Although the West is not new to frequent fire breakouts, especially in California, the destruction crossed new limits in 2021. With the panic mode switched on, people began seeking face masks for wildfire smoke.
The wild goose chase also gave way to questioning, do masks work for smoke?
Since FDA guidelines mark N95 respirators as the best ones for protection against Covid-19, some even started considering N-95 respirators as the breathing mask for smoke.
With so many conflicting thoughts and assumptions, you might be confused on what’s the truth behind the smoke.
Well, this blog evaluates what makes N95 a smoke protection mask and if it really is the best solution.
Before proceeding further, let’s take a look first at the different types of masks available.